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soft powder brows

soft powder brow tattoo

soft powder brows

soft powder brow tattoo

soft powder brows

soft powder brow tattoo

nano brows

Nano brows - soft, hyper realistic hair stroke brow

Nano Brow tattoo

Nano brows - soft, hyper realistic hair stroke brow

Nano Brow Tattoo

Nano brows - soft, hyper realistic hair stroke brow

eyeliner tattoo

upper eyeliner refresh

upper eyeliner tattoo

upper eyeliner refresh

healed lip blush after 1 year

1 year healed lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

healed lip blush

healed lip blush tattoo

healed lip blush

healed lip blush tattoo

soft powder brows

soft powder brows

male lip neutralization

male lip neutralization

lip blush

lip blush tattoo

soft powder brows

soft powder brows before, healed and after touch up

nano brows

nano brows tattoo

healed eyeliner

healed upper eyeliner and fresh lower eyeliner tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

soft shaded eyeliner

soft shaded eyeliner

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Soft powder brows

before , healed, After touch up

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

Soft powder brows

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

Lip Blush Tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

This is Eyelash enhancement tattoo

Eyeliner ttatoo

This is Eyelash Enhancement tattoo

Eyeliner Tattoo

Eyeliner Tattoo - eyelash enhancement

Eyeliner Tattoo

Eyeliner Tattoo - Eyelash enhancement

Nano brows

Nano Brows - hyper realistic look

Nano Brows

Nano brows - Hyper realistic look

Nano brows

Nano Brows - Hyper realistic look

Ombre Brows

Soft ombre brows

Ombre Brows

Soft ombre brows

Ombre brows

Soft Ombre Brows

healed powder brows

healed powder brows

healed powder brows

healed powder brows

healed lip blush

healed lip blush before touch up

healed lip blush

healed lip blush before touch up

soft powder brows

soft powder brows

Soft powder Brows

Soft powder brows


classic eyeliner

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo

lip blush tattoo


healed ombre brows


nano brows


Eyeliner Correction


eyeliner correction


healed lip blush


Hyper realistic brows


Hyper realistic brows

Nano Brows

Hyper realistic brows

Lip Blush

lip blush

Lip blush

Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Nano brows

Nano Brows hyper realistic look

Lip Blush

lip blush

Nano brows

Nano brow - hyper realistic look

Nano brows

Nano brows hyper realistic look

Ombre Brows

Ombré brows

Nano Brows

Nano brows hyper realistic look

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Nano brows

Nano brows hyper realistic look

Ombre brows

Ombré brows

Nano Brows (hyper realistic look)

Nano Brows, Hyper realistic look

Lip Blush / Lush Lips

Lip Blush Tattoo

Lip Blush / Neutralization

Lip neutralization

Lip Blush Neutralization

LIP Neutralization

Lip Blush / Lush Lip

Lip Blush tattoo

Lip Blush / Lush Lips

Lip Blush tattoo

Lush Lips / Lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Lush Lip / Lip Blush

Lip Blush tattoo

ombre brow

Ombre Brow

Brow correction

brow correction

Lip blush

No border lip blush for natural effect

Lip Blush

Natural effect lip blush

Lip Blush

Natural effect Lip blush

Lip Blush

Natural effect lip blush

Nano brow healed

healed nano brow

Brow correction

Old microblading correction with soft ombre brows

Brow correction

old microblading correction with soft ombre brows

Brow correction

old microblading correction with soft ombre brows

Nano Brow - Alopecia case

Nano brow on alopecia client.

Eyeliner Tattoo

upper and lower eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

upper and lower eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner tattoo

Upper and lower Eyeliner tattoo

Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip blush

Lip Blush

Eyeliner upgraded

Old, faded eyeliner upgraded to classic eyeliner. And lower smokey eyeliner

Brow correction

Correction / Ombre brow

Brow correction

Correction / Ombre brow

Brow Correction

Correction / Ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brow

ombre brows

Ombre powder brows

ombre powder brows

Ombre powder brows

ombre powder brows

Ombre powder brows

ombre powder brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

Ombre Powder Brows

ombre brows

Ombre powder brows

lip blush tattoo

Lip blush tattoo before, healed and after touch up

healed lip blush tattoo

healed lip blush tattoo after one session

eyeliner tattoo and lips transformation

Lip blush and eyeliner tattoo

Nano strokes eyebrow

Brow restoration with nano strokes (w-brow) hyper realistic look.

bold eyeliner

bold eyeliner

healed eyelash enhancement

healed eyelash enhancement, before touch up

healed eyelash enhancement

healed before touch up

combo brows

nono strokes and ombre shading

combo brows

nano strokes and ombre shading

ombre brows

combo brow with Nono strokes and ombre shading

combo brows

combo brows, nano strokes and ombre

Dark lip correction

Dark lip correction

Dark lip correction

Dark lip correction

soft edge eyeliner

soft edge eyeliner

soft edge eyeliner

soft edge eyeliner

soft edge eyeliner

soft edge eyeliner


soft powder brows

soft ombre brows

before, healed after one session and after touch up

soft ombre brows

soft ombre brows

classic eyeliner

classic eyeliner after second session

soft powder brows

corrected old faded PMU with soft powder brows

soft powder brows

corrected old faded PMU with soft powder brows

Ombre brows

soft ombre brows, final results are always softer in color

ombre brows

ombre brows before, healed after 1st session and after touch up


Old microblading correction with combo brows (ombre and nano strokes)


Old Microblading correction with combo brow (ombre and nano strokes)

ombre/hair stroked

combo brows before, healed and after touch up

hair strokes and ombre

soft natural brows

classic eyeliner

classic eyeliner


ombre and hair strokes


ombre with few hair strokes

W-Brow hyper realistic hair strokes

W-Brow is a hyper realistic hair stroke technique, sometimes called nano brows because nano needle is used (it is not micro blading)

W-Brow hyper realistic look

W-Brow is a hyper realistic hair stroke technique (it is not microblading)

W-Brows Hyper realistic look

W-Brows is a hyper realistic tattoo technique, done with nano needle (it is not microblading)

soft powder brows

soft powder brows tattoo, corrected shape and color of old Microblading

soft ombre brows

soft ombre brow tattoo

soft ombre brows

soft ombre brow tattoo

healed eyelash enhancement

healed eyelash enhancement

healed eyeliner

healed eyeliner tattoo

eyelash enhancement

eyeliner tattoo / eyelash enhancement

classic eyeliner

classic eyeliner tattoo

eyeliner tattoo

eyelash enhancement

eyeliner tattoo

eyelash enhancement

Eyeliner tattoo

eyelash enhancement

eyelash enhancement

after procedure and healed eyelash enhancement

eyelash enhancement

after and healed eyelash enhancement

winged eyeliner

custom winged eyeliner


Aquarelle Lips


Aquarelle Lips and ombre brows


Soft Powder Brows


Soft Powder Brows


Soft Powder Brows


Brows and eyeliner closeup


classic eyeliner


ombre brows


ombre brows

Eyeliner Tattoo
Eyeliner Tatoo
Pwder Brows

correction of old PMU with Powder Brow Technique

Powder Brows
Powder Brows
ombre brows
ombre Brows
Ombre Brows
Ombre Brows

soft ombre brows


soft ombre brows


lip blush tattoo


Hyper realistic hair stroke brow


Hyper realistic hair stroke brow

Eyelash enhancement

Eyelash enhancement

Eyelash enhancement

Eyelash enhancement

Eyalash Enhancement

Eyelash Enhancement

Eyelash Enhancement

Eyelash Enhancement

Powder brows

Bring back to life old faded PMU, with warm and vibrant color.

Hyper realistic brows

W-Brow, Hyper realistic Brows

Hyper realistic brows

W- Brow, Hyper realistic brows

Ombré  brows

ombre brows after touch up visit

Healed ombré brows

healed ombre brows

Healed ombré brows

healed ombre brows

Lip blush tattoo

lip blush

Lip blush tattoo

Lip blush tattoo

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows Gentle method of tattooing, suitable for all skin types

Ombre brows

Ombre brows Suitable for every skin type

Ombre brows

Soft powder / Ombre brows

Soft shaded eyeliner

Soft shaded eyeliner

Lip Blush healed after one session

Healed lip blush

W-Brow hyper realistic look


W-Brow hyper realistic look


W-Brow hyper realistic look

W - Brows technique creates most hyper realistic look. Three colors were used

Lip blush color correction

Color correction on lips, technique used Aquarelle lips.

W - Brows course complete

W-Brows super hyper-realistic brow technique, giving fluffy, delicate look.

Healed eyeliner one session
aquarelle lips

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips

Hyper Realistic Brow
ombre brows
ombre brows
ombre brows
powder brows
ombre brows
ombre brows
powder brow
powder brow
Hyper Realistic Brow
soft powder brows

soft powder brows

soft powder brows

soft powder brows

lips correction

lips corection

lip blush

lip blush

hyper realisitc hair stroke

machine hair stroke brow

hyper realistic hair stroke

machine hair stroke brow

hyper realistic hair stroke

machine hair stroke brow

powder brow
powder brow
powder brow
powder and hair strokes
ombre brow
ombre brow

soft ombre / brow correction

lip blush

lip blush/aquarelle lips

lip blush

aquarelle lips

soft ombre brow

ombre brows

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

ombre brows

correction with soft ombre style

aquarelle lips

aquarelle lips

Lip correciton

lip blush procedure to correct botched lips

Lip correction

lip blush correction

lip blush correction

lip blush correction

ombre brows

soft ombre brows

ombre brows

soft ombre brows

ombre brows

soft ombre brows

soft ombre brows

soft ombre brows

ombre brows

ombre brows

powder brows

soft powder brows


soft lip blush


Natural lip blush. Bring back the color to our lips.

Stardust eyeliner and brows

Ombre Brows and stardust eyeliner


Before and After final visit

Genuine eyebrow

machine hair strokes, hyper realistic look


combo brows

Genuine eyebrow

Machine hairs strokes giving hyper realistic look, will last longer then microblading

Genuine eyebrow

machine strokes, hyper realistic look

powder brows

powder brow correction


powder brows


Machine hair stroke brows


correction of old permanent make up


Correction of one year old microblading (not my work) New powder brow, with better shape.


Classic soft eyeliner

Powder brows

Powder Brows

Classic Eyeliner

Classic Eyeliner

Lips permanent makeup

lips permanent makeup can naturally improve your lip color

Lips permantent makeup

Naturally improving your lip color

Lip permanent makeup

Naturally improving you lip color

ombre brows
Ombre brows
Powder brows

more dramatic makeup look

Powder brows
Genuine eyebrow

Machine hair strokes, hyper realistic look

genuine eyebrow

machine hair stroke, hyper realistic look

genuine eyebrow

machine hair strokes, hyper realistic look

hair stroke brow
powder/ombree brow

naturally enhance your brow shape

Hair stroke brow

correction/refreshed old permantent makeup


eyeliner/eyelash enhancement

hair stroke brow

correction of old permanent makeup

Lip blush
lip blush
lip blush
Hair stroke technique

Permanent makeup brow hair stroke technique

Hair stroke technique

Permanent makeup brow Hair stroke technique

Ombre Brows

Bold Ombre Brows

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle lips tattoo

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle lips tattoo

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips Tattoo

Aquarelle Lips

Aquarelle Lips

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Ombre Brows

Correction/Ombre Brows

Correction /Ombre Brows

Correction/Ombre Brows

Correction/Ombre Brows

Custom eyeliner
3D brows

Before, healed after first session, and right after touch up

Microblading/ 3 D brows

Before and After first session

Microblading/3D Brows

Before and After first session


3D hair stroke brows, combination of microblading and machine


3D brows Combination of microblading and machine








Microblading, 3D hair


Microblading before and after

Correction of old tattoo

Before, healed after first visit, and after touch up


Microblading and shading, correction of old PMU


Microblading+shading, correction of old PMU


Microblading+shading, correction of old PMU


Microblading natural look


Microblading natural look

3D hairs strokes

machine hair stroke brows

soft eyeliner cover

permanent eyeliner - healed after one visit

soft eyeliner cover

permanent eyeliner - healed after one visit

correciton old tattoo

cover old tattoo with combo - shading and microblading

old tattoo correciton

cover up old tattoo with combo shading and microblading


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